Lab 4: Sharded Key/Value Service


12 min read

1 Introduction

In lab 4, we will build a key/value storage system that "shards", or partitions, the keys over a set of replica groups.

A shard is a subset of the key/value pairs.

For example, all the keys starting with "a" might be one shard, all the keys starting with "b" another, etc. The reason for sharding is performance. Each replica group handles puts and gets for just a few of the shards, and the groups operate in parallel. thus total system throughput (puts and gets per unit time) increases in proportion to the number of groups.

The sharded key/value store has two components. First, the component is the "shard controller". The shard controller decides which replica group should serve each shard. Second, a set of replica groups. Each replica group is responsible for a subset of the shards. A replica consists of a handful of servers that use Raft to replicate the group's shards.

Clients consult the shard controller to find the replica group for a key, and replica groups consult the controller to find out what shards to serve. There is a single shard controller for the whole system, implemented as a fault-tolerant service using Raft.

2 Experience Description

To get started lab4, read the experiment document:

In 3A, we should implement the shard controller, in shardctrler/server.go and client.go. implementation must support the RPC interface described in shardctrler/common.go, which consists of Join, Leave, Move, and Query RPCs. These RPCs are intended to allow an administrator (and the tests) to control the shardctrler: to add new replica groups, to eliminate replica groups, and to move shards between replica groups.

In 3B, modify shardkv/client.go, shardkv/common.go, and shardkv/server.go.

Each shardkv server operates as part of a replica group. Each replica group serves Get, Put, and Append operations for some of the key-space shards. Use key2shard() in client.go to find which shard a key belongs to. Multiple replica groups cooperate to serve the complete set of shards. A single instance of the shardctrler service assigns shards to replica groups; when this assignment changes, replica groups have to hand off shards to each other, while ensuring that clients do not see inconsistent responses.

Storage system must provide a linearizable interface to applications that use its client interface. That is completed application calls to the Clerk.Get(), Clerk.Put(), and Clerk.Append() methods in shardkv/client.go must appear to have affected all replicas in the same order. A Clerk.Get() should see the value written by the most recent Put/Append to the same key. This must be true even when Gets and Puts arrive at about the same time as configuration changes.

3 Implementation

3.1 Shard controller (4A)

To support Join, Leave, Move, and Query RPCs. Combine them into one command RPCs. Modify the common.go.

type CommandArgs struct {
    Servers   map[int][]string //Join
    GIDs      []int            //leave
    Shard     int              //Move
    GID       int              //Move
    Num       int              //Query
    Op        string           // four optype
    ClientId  int64
    CommandId int

type CommandReply struct {
    Err    Err
    Config Config

The Clerk and Server frame struct like Lab3, the controller using Raft the sync configuration log.

The main task is the implementation of four RPCs.

func (sc *ShardCtrler) JoinProcess(Servers map[int][]string) {
    lastConfig := sc.GetLastConfig()
    lastGroup := make(map[int][]string)
    // copy
    for k, v := range lastConfig.Groups {
        lastGroup[k] = v
    newConfig := Config{
        Num:    lastConfig.Num + 1,
        Shards: lastConfig.Shards,
        Groups: lastGroup,
    for gid, servers := range Servers {
        if _, ok := newConfig.Groups[gid]; !ok {
            newServers := make([]string, len(servers))
            copy(newServers, servers)
            newConfig.Groups[gid] = newServers

    g2s := Group2Shard(newConfig)
    // find big and small untill blance
    for {
        from, to := getGid_MaxShards(g2s), getGid_MinShards(g2s)

        if from != 0 && len(g2s[from])-len(g2s[to]) <= 1 {
        g2s[to] = append(g2s[to], g2s[from][0])
        g2s[from] = g2s[from][1:]
    var newShards [NShards]int
    for gid, shards := range g2s {
        for _, shard := range shards {
            newShards[shard] = gid

    newConfig.Shards = newShards
    sc.configs = append(sc.configs, newConfig)

func (sc *ShardCtrler) LeaveProcess(GIDs []int) {
    lastConfig := sc.GetLastConfig()
    lastGroup := make(map[int][]string)
    orphanShards := make([]int, 0)
    for k, v := range lastConfig.Groups {
        lastGroup[k] = v
    newConfig := Config{Num: lastConfig.Num + 1, Shards: lastConfig.Shards, Groups: lastGroup}
    g2s := Group2Shard(newConfig)
    for _, gid := range GIDs {
        if _, ok := newConfig.Groups[gid]; ok {
            delete(newConfig.Groups, gid)
        if shards, ok := g2s[gid]; ok {
            orphanShards = append(orphanShards, shards...)
            delete(g2s, gid)

    var newShards [NShards]int

    // find target small to add leave group
    if len(newConfig.Groups) != 0 {
        for _, shard := range orphanShards {
            to := getGid_MinShards(g2s)
            g2s[to] = append(g2s[to], shard)
        for gid, shards := range g2s {
            for _, shard := range shards {
                newShards[shard] = gid

    newConfig.Shards = newShards
    sc.configs = append(sc.configs, newConfig)

func (sc *ShardCtrler) MoveProcess(gid int, shard int) {
    lastConfig := sc.GetLastConfig()
    lastGroup := make(map[int][]string)
    for k, v := range lastConfig.Groups {
        lastGroup[k] = v
    newConfig := Config{Num: lastConfig.Num + 1, Shards: lastConfig.Shards, Groups: lastGroup}
    newConfig.Shards[shard] = gid
    sc.configs = append(sc.configs, newConfig)

func (sc *ShardCtrler) QueryProcess(num int) Config {
    if num == -1 || num >= len(sc.configs) {
        return sc.configs[len(sc.configs)-1]
    return sc.configs[num]

The apply() function and command() function to handle all logs and requests.

func (sc *ShardCtrler) apply() {
    for !sc.killed() {
        select {
        case ch := <-sc.applyCh:
            if ch.CommandValid {
                opchan := sc.GetChan(ch.CommandIndex)
                op := ch.Command.(Op)
                res := result{
                    ClientId:  op.ClientId,
                    CommandId: op.CommandId,

                if sc.Client2Seq[op.ClientId] < op.CommandId {

                    switch op.Command {
                    case Join:
                    case Leave:
                    case Move:
                        sc.MoveProcess(op.GID, op.Shard)
                    case Query:
                        res.Res = sc.QueryProcess(op.Num)

                    sc.Client2Seq[op.ClientId] = op.CommandId
                    opchan <- res
                } else {

func (sc *ShardCtrler) Command(args *CommandArgs, reply *CommandReply) {
    if sc.killed() {
        reply.Err = WrongLeader
    _, isLeader := sc.rf.GetState()
    if !isLeader {
        reply.Err = WrongLeader
    if sc.Client2Seq[args.ClientId] >= args.CommandId {
        reply.Err = OK
        if args.Op == Query {
            reply.Config = sc.QueryProcess(args.Num)


    op := Op{
        Command:   args.Op,
        CommandId: args.CommandId,
        ClientId:  args.ClientId,

        Servers: args.Servers, //Join
        GIDs:    args.GIDs,    //leave
        Shard:   args.Shard,   //Move
        GID:     args.GID,     //Move
        Num:     args.Num,     //Query

    index, _, isLeader := sc.rf.Start(op)
    if !isLeader {
        reply.Err = WrongLeader
    ch := sc.GetChan(index)

    select {
    case app := <-ch:
        if app.ClientId == op.ClientId && app.CommandId == op.CommandId {
            reply.Err = OK
            reply.Config = app.Res
        } else {

            reply.Err = WrongLeader


    case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 33):
        reply.Err = TimeOut

    go func() {
        delete(sc.Index2Cmd, index)

3.2 Sharded Key/Value Server (4B)

The lab4 is the storage system, we should use raft(lab2) and shard controller(4A) to build a sharded key/value system. The total design is like lab3. We should modify it to fit the sharded environment, and make it approach a production environment.

There are two challenges:

Garbage collection of state

When a replica group loses ownership of a shard, that replica group should eliminate the keys that it lost from its database. It is wasteful for it to keep values that it no longer owns, and no longer serves requests for.

Client requests during configuration changes

The simplest way to handle configuration changes is to disallow all client operations until the transition has been completed. While conceptually simple, this approach is not feasible in production-level systems; it results in long pauses for all clients whenever machines are brought in or taken out. It would be better to continue serving shards that are not affected by the ongoing configuration change.

First, implement clerk and merge Get/Put/Append RPCS (like lab3) in common.go.

type CommandArgs struct {
    Key       string 
    Value     string
    Op        Operation
    ClientId  int64
    CommandId int

type CommandReply struct {
    Value string
    Err   Err
func (ck *Clerk) Get(key string) string {
    return ck.Command(&CommandArgs{Key: key, Op: GetType})

func (ck *Clerk) PutAppend(key string, value string, op string) {
    ck.Command(&CommandArgs{Key: key, Value: value, Op: Operation(op)})

func (ck *Clerk) Put(key string, value string) {
    ck.PutAppend(key, value, "Put")
func (ck *Clerk) Append(key string, value string) {
    ck.PutAppend(key, value, "Append")

func (ck *Clerk) Command(args *CommandArgs) string {
    args.ClientId = ck.ClientId
    args.CommandId = ck.CommandId
    for {
        shardId := key2shard(args.Key)
        gid := ck.config.Shards[shardId]
        if servers, ok := ck.config.Groups[gid]; ok {
            for si := 0; si < len(servers); si++ {
                srv := ck.make_end(servers[si])
                var reply CommandReply
                ok := srv.Call("ShardKV.Command", args, &reply)
                if ok && (reply.Err == OK || reply.Err == ErrNoKey) {
                    return reply.Value
                if ok && reply.Err == ErrWrongGroup {

        time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
        ck.config =

ShardKV still refers the lab3, but we should add something and modify it.

type ShardKV struct {
    mu           sync.Mutex
    me           int
    rf           *raft.Raft
    applyCh      chan raft.ApplyMsg
    makeEnd      func(string) *labrpc.ClientEnd
    gid          int
    masters      []*labrpc.ClientEnd
    maxRaftState int // snapshot if log grows this big

    // Your definitions here.

    dead int32 // set by Kill()

    Config     shardctrler.Config // 需要更新的最新的配置
    LastConfig shardctrler.Config // 更新之前的配置,用于比对是否全部更新完了

    DB KVStateMachine // Storage system

    ComNotify      map[int]chan OpReply // notify
    ClientId2ComId map[int64]int

    sck *shardctrler.Clerk // sck is a client used to contact shard master

func StartServer(servers []*labrpc.ClientEnd, me int, persister *raft.Persister, maxraftstate int, gid int, masters []*labrpc.ClientEnd, make_end func(string) *labrpc.ClientEnd) *ShardKV {
    // call labgob.Register on structures you want
    // Go's RPC library to marshall/unmarshall.

    kv := new(ShardKV) = me
    kv.maxRaftState = maxraftstate
    kv.makeEnd = make_end
    kv.gid = gid
    kv.masters = masters

    // Your initialization code here.

    kv.DB = &KVMemory{make([]KVShard, shardctrler.NShards)}
    kv.ClientId2ComId = make(map[int64]int)

    // Use something like this to talk to the shardctrler:
    // kv.mck = shardctrler.MakeClerk(kv.masters)
    kv.sck = shardctrler.MakeClerk(kv.masters)
    kv.ComNotify = make(map[int]chan OpReply)

    snapshot := persister.ReadSnapshot()
    if len(snapshot) > 0 {

    kv.applyCh = make(chan raft.ApplyMsg)
    kv.rf = raft.Make(servers, me, persister, kv.applyCh)

    go kv.apply()
    go kv.ConfigDetectedLoop()

    return kv

KVStateMachine to Describe DataBase, notice it is sharded.

type KVStateMachine interface {
    Get(key string) (string, Err)
    Put(key, value string) Err
    Append(key, value string) Err
    GetShard(shardId int) *KVShard

// KVMemory implement KVStateMachine
type KVMemory struct {
    KV []KVShard

type KVShard struct {
    KVS       map[string]string
    ConfigNum int // what version this Shard is in

func (kv *KVMemory) Get(key string) (string, Err) {
    shardId := key2shard(key)
    value, ok := kv.KV[shardId].KVS[key]
    if ok {
        return value, OK
    return "", ErrNoKey

func (kv *KVMemory) Put(key, value string) Err {
    shardId := key2shard(key)
    kv.KV[shardId].KVS[key] = value
    return OK

func (kv *KVMemory) Append(key, value string) Err {
    shardId := key2shard(key)
    kv.KV[shardId].KVS[key] += value
    return OK

func (kv *KVMemory) GetShard(shardId int) *KVShard {
    return &kv.KV[shardId]

func (kv *ShardKV) applyStateMachine(op *Op) {
    switch op.OpType {
    case PutType:
        kv.DB.Put(op.Key, op.Value)
    case AppendType:
        kv.DB.Append(op.Key, op.Value)

Then the ShardKV receives command RPCs, we need to handle it.

// Put Append Get
func (kv *ShardKV) Command(args *CommandArgs, reply *CommandReply) {
    shardId := key2shard(args.Key)
    if kv.Config.Shards[shardId] != kv.gid {
        reply.Err = ErrWrongGroup
    } else if kv.DB.GetShard(shardId).KVS == nil {
        reply.Err = ShardNotArrived

    command := Op{
        OpType:    args.Op,
        Key:       args.Key,
        Value:     args.Value,
        ClientId:  args.ClientId,
        CommandId: args.CommandId,
        ShardId:   shardId,
    reply.Err = kv.startCommand(command, TimeOut)

    // Get function should check twice
    if reply.Err == OK && command.OpType == GetType {
        if kv.Config.Shards[shardId] != kv.gid {
            reply.Err = ErrWrongGroup
        } else if kv.DB.GetShard(shardId).KVS == nil {
            reply.Err = ShardNotArrived
        } else {

            reply.Value, reply.Err = kv.DB.Get(args.Key)
// using raft to sync log
func (kv *ShardKV) startCommand(command Op, timeoutPeriod time.Duration) Err {
    index, _, isLeader := kv.rf.Start(command)
    if !isLeader {
        return ErrWrongLeader

    ch := kv.getWaitCh(index)

    timer := time.NewTicker(timeoutPeriod)
    defer timer.Stop()

    // wait to finish
    select {
    case re := <-ch:
        delete(kv.ComNotify, index)
        if re.CommandId != command.CommandId || re.ClientId != command.ClientId {
            // One way to do this is for the server to detect that it has lost leadership,
            // by noticing that a different request has appeared at the index returned by Start()
            return ErrInconsistentData
        return re.Err
    case <-timer.C:
        return ErrOverTime

The make should linearized and consistent, we should pull the latest configuration by shard controller.

func (kv *ShardKV) ConfigDetectedLoop() {
    curConfig := kv.Config
    rf := kv.rf

    for !kv.killed() {
        // only leader needs to deal with configuration tasks
        if _, isLeader := rf.GetState(); !isLeader {
        // send finished ?
        if !kv.allSent() {
            SeqMap := make(map[int64]int)
            for k, v := range kv.ClientId2ComId {
                SeqMap[k] = v

            for shardId, gid := range kv.LastConfig.Shards {
                //check and send shard to other
                if gid == kv.gid && kv.Config.Shards[shardId] != kv.gid && kv.DB.GetShard(shardId).ConfigNum < kv.Config.Num {
                    sendDate := kv.cloneShard(kv.Config.Num, kv.DB.GetShard(shardId).KVS)
                    args := SendShardArg{
                        LastAppliedCommandId: SeqMap,
                        ShardId:              shardId,
                        Shard:                sendDate,
                        ClientId:             int64(gid),
                        CommandId:            kv.Config.Num,

                    // shardId -> gid -> server names
                    serversList := kv.Config.Groups[kv.Config.Shards[shardId]]
                    servers := make([]*labrpc.ClientEnd, len(serversList))
                    for i, name := range serversList {
                        servers[i] = kv.makeEnd(name)
                    go kv.sendAddShrad(servers, &args)

        // received finished ?
        if !kv.allReceived() {

        // current configuration is configured, poll for the next configuration
        curConfig = kv.Config
        sck := kv.sck
        // pull new configuration
        newConfig := sck.Query(curConfig.Num + 1)
        if newConfig.Num != curConfig.Num+1 {

        //sync pull op
        command := Op{
            OpType:    UpConfigType,
            ClientId:  int64(kv.gid),
            CommandId: newConfig.Num,
            UpConfig:  newConfig,
        kv.startCommand(command, UpConfigTimeout)


Send the shard from one shard to another shard, must using an RPCs, which is named AddShard.

type SendShardArg struct {
    LastAppliedCommandId map[int64]int // for receiver to update its state
    ShardId              int
    Shard                KVShard // Shard to be sent
    ClientId             int64
    CommandId            int

type AddShardReply struct {
    Err Err

func (kv *ShardKV) sendAddShrad(servers []*labrpc.ClientEnd, args *SendShardArg) {
    index := 0
    start := time.Now()
    for {
        var reply AddShardReply

        ok := servers[index].Call("ShardKV.AddShard", args, &reply)
        // send shard success or timeout
        if ok && reply.Err == OK || time.Now().Sub(start) >= 2*time.Second {
            command := Op{
                OpType:    RemoveShardType,
                ClientId:  int64(kv.gid),
                ShardId:   args.ShardId,
                CommandId: kv.Config.Num,
            // remove shard
            kv.startCommand(command, TimeOut)
        index = (index + 1) % len(servers)
        if index == 0 {

func (kv *ShardKV) AddShard(args *SendShardArg, reply *AddShardReply) {
    command := Op{
        OpType:         AddShardType,
        ClientId:       args.ClientId,
        CommandId:      args.CommandId,
        ShardId:        args.ShardId,
        Shard:          args.Shard,
        ClientId2ComId: args.LastAppliedCommandId,
    reply.Err = kv.startCommand(command, AddShardsTimeout)

At last, apply function to apply all op (Get/Append/Put, update config). The apply function is like lab3, but you should think about updating the config.

func (kv *ShardKV) apply() {
    for {
        if kv.killed() {
        select {
        case ch := <-kv.applyCh:
            if ch.CommandValid == true {
                op := ch.Command.(Op)
                reply := OpReply{
                    ClientId:  op.ClientId,
                    CommandId: op.CommandId,
                    Err:       OK,
                if op.OpType == PutType || op.OpType == GetType || op.OpType == AppendType {

                    shardId := key2shard(op.Key)
                    if kv.Config.Shards[shardId] != kv.gid {
                        reply.Err = ErrWrongGroup
                    } else if kv.DB.GetShard(shardId).KVS == nil {
                        // 如果应该存在的切片没有数据那么这个切片就还没到达
                        reply.Err = ShardNotArrived
                    } else {
                        if !kv.ifDuplicate(op.ClientId, op.CommandId) {
                            kv.ClientId2ComId[op.ClientId] = op.CommandId
                } else {
                    // request from server of other group
                    switch op.OpType {
                    case UpConfigType:
                    case AddShardType:
                        // 如果配置号比op的SeqId还低说明不是最新的配置
                        if kv.Config.Num < op.CommandId {
                            reply.Err = ConfigNotArrived
                    case RemoveShardType:
                        // remove operation is from previous UpConfig
                        log.Fatalf("invalid command type: %v.", op.OpType)

                // 如果需要snapshot,且超出其stateSize
                if kv.maxRaftState != -1 && kv.rf.GetRaftStateSize() > kv.maxRaftState {
                    snapshot := kv.PersistSnapShot()
                    kv.rf.Snapshot(ch.CommandIndex, snapshot)

                ch := kv.getWaitCh(ch.CommandIndex)
                ch <- reply


            if ch.SnapshotValid == true {
                if len(ch.Snapshot) > 0 {
                    // 读取快照的数据


The snapshot is very easy to implement, just refer lab3.


There are many difficulties in finishing lab4, there are blogs that may help you.

