Lab 1: MapReduce


5 min read

1 Introduction

In lab 1 we will build a MapReduce system. Two main parts are implemented, one is a worker process that calls Map and Reduce functions and handles reading and writing files, and the other is a coordinator process that hands out tasks to workers and copes with failed workers.

Before you start the lab, must be familiar with Golang concurrency programming and RPC. Understanding the MapReduce paper is also essential.

2 Experiment Description

To get started the lab 1, you should read the lab document.

Because the RPC using based on Unix Socket, you must have a Linux System to Finish the experiment. (I choose the Ubuntu 22.04.2)

A simple sequential MapReduce version in src/main/mrsequential.go. The code is helpful to understand to the whole system works.

Access to the system is main/mrcoordinator.go. When starting the program, it will call MakeCoordinator() to create a master. Secondly, the server() function will start Unix Socket Listen. Then, the main process will call Done() to check the total MapReduce whether finished. All of the above functions must be implemented in mr/coordinator.go.

As for the worker, we should put our implementation in mr/worker.go, and also refer the mrsequential.go.

Using the script to check the program pass. Sometimes ctrl + c might not exis program, you should use ps to find the pid of the mrcoordinator process and kill it.

3 Implementation

3.1 Execution Overview

The master first assigns all map tasks to workers. In the map state, the worker will generate intermediate files "mr-X-Y", where X is the Map task number, and Y is the Reduce task number. Then in the reduce state, the worker will input intermediate files, after being processed by reduce function, it will put the results into "mr-out-Y".

3.2 Master Implementation

No lock is used, just ensured the data operation is thread-safe.

First, the master will allocate tasks to workers, so we should definite task data structure. Filename handled by map function, Id is the worker num and it could be a map worker or a reduce worker. So we can merge the two tasks.

type Task struct {
    Filename string
    Id int

Then, the master should record the state of the system. There is map, reduce, finish three states, just used int32 (0,1,2)to refer to them. Because we can't use lock, make sure the work gets race task is used channel for synchronization. The MapTaskNum and ReduceTaskNum also needs to record the number of tasks assigned. Our system must tolerate machine failures gracefully. We should record the working time(Unix TimeStamp), a working time of more than 10 seconds is considered to be the failure of the machine. Each worker's time has to be recorded and modified, and there are data races. To get good performance, I used sync.Map.

type Coordinator struct {
    State int32 // 0 map 1 reduce 2 finish

    MapTaskNum    int
    ReduceTaskNum int

    MapTask    chan Task
    ReduceTask chan Task

    TaskTime sync.Map

    files []string

const TimeOut = 10

type TimeStamp struct {
    Time int64
    Fin  bool

As the system begins, the master assigns map tasks to MapTask chan and record the working start time in TaskTime.

for i, file := range files {
        now := time.Now().Unix()
        c.MapTask <- Task{FileName: file, Id: i} // send to chan
        c.TaskTime.Store(i, TimeStamp{now, false}) // record time

When a work sends a request to the master, it should get worker task, worker num, system state and a succeed mark to confirm that the task was acquired.

type TaskRespond struct {
    WorkerTask    Task
    MapTaskNum    int
    ReduceTaskNum int
    State         int32

    Succeed bool

The master will send a reply to workers in different states.

func (c *Coordinator) GetTask(args *TaskRequest, reply *TaskRespond) error {
    state := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.State)
    if state == 0 {
        maptask, ok := <-c.MapTask
        if ok {
            reply.WorkerTask = maptask
        } else {
            return errors.New("fail call task")
    } else if state == 1 {
        reducetask, rok := <-c.ReduceTask
        if rok {
            reply.WorkerTask = reducetask
        } else {
            return errors.New("fail call task")
    reply.MapTaskNum = c.MapTaskNum
    reply.ReduceTaskNum = c.ReduceTaskNum
    reply.State = c.State

    return nil

If a worker finish work, the master also will handle it in different states.

func (c *Coordinator) GetTaskFin(args *TaskRespond, _ *ExampleReply) error {
    state := args.State

    now := time.Now().Unix()
    id := args.WorkerTask.Id
    start, _ := c.TaskTime.Load(id)
    total := now - start.(TimeStamp).Time

    if total > TimeOut {
        return errors.New("fail fin task")
    c.TaskTime.Store(id, TimeStamp{now, true})

    if state == 0 {
        if lenTaskFin(&c.TaskTime) == c.MapTaskNum {
            close(c.MapTask) // close chan
            c.TaskTime = sync.Map{}
            for i := 0; i < c.ReduceTaskNum; i++ {
                c.ReduceTask <- Task{Id: i}
                c.TaskTime.Store(i, TimeStamp{now, false})
            atomic.StoreInt32(&c.State, 1)
    } else if state == 1 {
        if lenTaskFin(&c.TaskTime) == c.ReduceTaskNum {
            atomic.StoreInt32(&c.State, 2)
            close(c.ReduceTask) // close chan
    return nil

At last, to tolerate machine failures we should assign its worker to another worker machine. In this system, I create a goroutine to check task finish periodically(2 seconds).

func (c *Coordinator) checkWorker() {
    for {
        time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
        state := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.State)
        if empty(&c.TaskTime) {
        if state == 0 {
            for i := 0; i < c.MapTaskNum; i++ {
                now := time.Now().Unix()
                tmp, _ := c.TaskTime.Load(i)
                if !tmp.(TimeStamp).Fin && now-tmp.(TimeStamp).Time > TimeOut {
                    fmt.Println("map task timeout")
                    c.MapTask <- Task{FileName: c.files[i], Id: i}
                    c.TaskTime.Store(i, TimeStamp{now, false})
        } else if state == 1 {
            for i := 0; i < c.ReduceTaskNum; i++ {
                now := time.Now().Unix()
                tmp, _ := c.TaskTime.Load(i)
                if !tmp.(TimeStamp).Fin && now-tmp.(TimeStamp).Time > TimeOut {
                    fmt.Println("reduce task timeout")
                    c.ReduceTask <- Task{Id: i}
                    c.TaskTime.Store(i, TimeStamp{now, false})

3.3 Worker Implementation

The worker loop fetches tasks from the master for execution

func Worker(mapf func(string, string) []KeyValue, reducef func(string, []string) string) {
    for {
        args := TaskRequest{}
        reply := TaskRespond{}
        CallGetTask(&args, &reply)
        if !reply.Succeed {
            goto sleep
        if reply.State == 0 {
            doMapTask(&reply, mapf)
        } else if reply.State == 1 {
            doReduceTask(&reply, reducef)
        } else if reply.State == 2 {
        time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

The map and reduce work can refer to some code from mrsequential.go for reading Map input files, for sorting intermedate key/value pairs between the Map and Reduce, and for storing Reduce output in files.

To ensure that nobody observes partially written files in the presence of crashes, the MapReduce paper mentions the trick of using a temporary file and atomically renaming it once it is completely written. You can use ioutil.TempFile to create a temporary file and os.Rename to atomically rename it.