PA 1: simple computer
1 Introduction
In lab 1, we will implement a simple debugger. There are three main tasks.
Task 1, Implement single-step execution, Print register status, Scan memory.
Task 2, Implement expression evaluation.
Task 3, Perfect expression evaluation and Implement expression evaluation.
2 Implementation
2.1 Correct exit
when using the command q
to exit, the nemu
will output an error message.
To fix it, you should debug through gdb
and know must change the state.
static int cmd_q(char* args) {
nemu_state.state = NEMU_QUIT;
return 0;
2.2 Simple debugger
2.2.1 Single-step execution
add si
cmd to cmd_table
static struct {
const char *name;
const char *description;
int (*handler) (char *);
} cmd_table [] = {
{ "help", "Display information about all supported commands", cmd_help },
{ "c", "Continue the execution of the program", cmd_c },
{ "q", "Exit NEMU", cmd_q },
/* TODO: Add more commands */
{ "si", "Execute N steps, default 1", cmd_si },
implement cmd_si
static int cmd_si (char *args) {
int n = 1;
...(analytic parameter to n)
// execution N step
return 0;
2.2.2 Print register status
add info
cmd to cmd_table
{ "info", "Display information about registers or watchpoints", cmd_info },
implement cmd_info
the display register function is isa_reg_display
, you need to modify it.
static int cmd_info(char *args) {
// analytic parameter
char *arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (arg == NULL) {
// error handler
} else {
if (strcmp(arg, "r") == 0) {
// display register
} else if (strcmp(arg, "w") == 0) {
// display watchpoint (need to impl)
} else {
// error handler
return 0;
2.2.3 Scan memory
add x
cmd to cmd_table
{ "x", "Usage: x N EXPR. Scan the memory from EXPR", cmd_x },
implement cmd_x
static int cmd_x(char *args) {
// need to get parameter
char *arg1, *arg2;
if (arg1 == NULL || arg2 == NULL) {
// error handler
return 0;
// transfor type
int n = strtol(arg1, NULL, 10);
vaddr_t expr = strtol(arg2, NULL, 16);
// print memory
... using vaddr_read(), format like gdb
return 0;
2.3 Expression evaluation
To start this, you must read to experiment document expression evaluation and
watchpoint. Know how to analyze the expression and calculate it.
add p
cmd to cmd_table
{ "p", "Usage: p EXPR. Calculate the experssion", cmd_p },
implement cmd_p
function, and all details in the expr()
static int cmd_p(char *agrs) {
bool success;
word_t res = expr(agrs, &success);
if (!success) {
printf("invalid expression\n");
} else {
printf("%u\n", res);
return 0;
word_t expr(char *e, bool *success){
if (!make_token(e)) {
*success = false;
return 0;
return eval(0, nr_token - 1, success);
finish make_token
and eval
function, all hints in the experiment document.
we should categorize all tokens.
enum {
TK_NOTYPE = 256,
/* TODO: Add more token types */
TK_NUM, // number
static struct rule {
const char *regex;
int token_type;
} rules[] = {
/* TODO: Add more rules.
* Pay attention to the precedence level of different rules.
{" +", TK_NOTYPE}, // spaces
{"\\+", '+'}, // plus
{"==", TK_EQ}, // equal
{"-", '-'},
{"\\(", '('},
{"\\)", ')'},
{"\\*", '*'},
{"/", '/'},
{"<", TK_LT},
{"<=", TK_LE},
{">", TK_GT},
{">=", TK_GE},
{"!=", TK_NEQ},
{"&&", TK_AND},
{"\\|\\|", TK_OR},
{"[0-9]+", TK_NUM},
{"\\$\\w+", TK_REG},
static int bound_types[] = {')', TK_NUM, TK_REG};
static int nop_types[] = {'(', ')', TK_NUM, TK_REG};
static int op_types[] = {TK_NEG, TK_POS, TK_DEREF};
modify make_token
static bool make_token(char *e) {
int position = 0;
int i;
regmatch_t pmatch;
nr_token = 0;
while (e[position] != '\0') {
/* Try all rules one by one. */
for (i = 0; i < NR_REGEX; i ++) {
if (regexec(&re[i], e + position, 1, &pmatch, 0) == 0 && pmatch.rm_so == 0) {
char *substr_start = e + position;
int substr_len = pmatch.rm_eo;
Log("match rules[%d] = \"%s\" at position %d with len %d: %.*s",
i, rules[i].regex, position, substr_len, substr_len, substr_start);
position += substr_len;
/* TODO: Now a new token is recognized with rules[i]. Add codes
* to record the token in the array `tokens'. For certain types
* of tokens, some extra actions should be performed.
if (rules[i].token_type == TK_NOTYPE) break;
// add to token
tokens[nr_token].type = rules[i].token_type;
switch (rules[i].token_type) {
case TK_NUM:
case TK_REG:
strncpy(tokens[nr_token].str, substr_start, substr_len);
tokens[nr_token].str[substr_len] = '\0';
case '*':
case '-':
case '+':
if (nr_token == 0 || !type_from(tokens[nr_token-1].type, bound_types, ARRLEN(bound_types))) {
switch (rules[i].token_type) {
case '-': tokens[nr_token].type = TK_NEG; break;
case '+': tokens[nr_token].type = TK_POS; break;
case '*': tokens[nr_token].type = TK_DEREF; break;
//default: TODO();
if (i == NR_REGEX) {
printf("no match at position %d\n%s\n%*.s^\n", position, e, position, "");
return false;
return true;
word_t eval(int p, int q, bool *success) {
*success = true;
if (p > q) {
*success = false;
return 0;
} else if (p == q) {
// just one , analyze op_token
} else if (check_parentheses(p, q)) {
// in both (), remove ().
} else {
// get op posistion
int op = get_position(p, q);
if (op < 0) {
*success = false;
return 0;
// eval left and right
bool ok1, ok2;
word_t val1 = eval(p, op - 1, &ok1);
word_t val2 = eval(op + 1, q, &ok2);
if (!ok2) {
*success = false;
return 0;
word_t ret;
// two op or one op
if (ok1) {
ret = calc2(tokens[op].type, val1, val2, success);
} else {
ret = calc1(tokens[op].type,val2, success);
return ret;
2.4 Watchpoint
add w,d
cmd to cmd_table
{ "w", "Usage: w EXPR. set watchpoint", cmd_w },
{ "d", "USage: d N. delete watchpoint", cmd_d },
implement cmd_w
and cmd_d
static int cmd_w(char *agrs) {
if (agrs == NULL) {
// error handler
return 0;
bool success;
// get expr
word_t res = expr(agrs, &success);
if (!success) {
printf("invalid expression\n");
} else {
wp_add(agrs, res);
return 0;
static int cmd_d(char *args) {
// analyze from args
int num;
return 0;
finish wp_remove()
, wp_add()
and wp_display()
void wp_add(char *expr, word_t res) {
WP* wp = new_wp();
strcpy(wp->expr, expr);
wp->ret = res;
printf("watchpoint set. %d: %s\n", wp->NO, wp->expr);
void wp_remove(int num) {
assert(num < NR_WP);
WP* wp = &wp_pool[num];
printf("delete watchpoint. %d: %s", wp->NO, wp->expr);
void wp_display() {
WP *wp = head;
// iterate wp
Put the check of watchpoints in trace_and_difftest()
and use a new macro CONFIG_WATCHPOINT
static void trace_and_difftest(Decode *_this, vaddr_t dnpc) {
if (ITRACE_COND) { log_write("%s\n", _this->logbuf); }
if (g_print_step) { IFDEF(CONFIG_ITRACE, puts(_this->logbuf)); }
IFDEF(CONFIG_DIFFTEST, difftest_step(_this->pc, dnpc));
implement wp_difftest()
in watchpoint.c
void wp_difftest() {
WP* wp = head;
while (wp) {
bool _;
//calc expr
word_t new = expr(wp->expr, &_);
if (wp->ret != new) {
// get to watchpoint.
wp->ret = new;
wp = wp->next;